Saturday, August 29, 2009

Col. Muster did it with the 1-3/4" line in the parking lot....

Training for Monday, August 31st:

Back, by popular demand, the (none traditional) fireman's muster. Like last fall we have put together some new and old drills to build teamwork, confidence, basic skills and camaraderie. This should be fast-paced, challenging and fun for all. We will be doing hand line, pumping and other ground operations as well as laughing uncontrollably. So bring your competitive edge and see you Monday night 7 pm.

Instructor will be Capt. St.Pierre
FYI: The first firemans muster was held July 4, 1849 in Bath Maine

Saturday, August 22, 2009

ISO Water Shuttle Drills

Training for Monday, August 24th will be water shuttle operations for our ISO rating. We will be meeting at the station for a quick meeting on job assignments & plan of operations. We will be using Bowie's pit and the transfer station for our water supply and drop off. This is a very high paced operation & will need lots of manpower and driver operators; all help will be appreciated. Instructors for this operation will be DC. Levasseur & Chief Sacco.