Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rapid Intervention Team Training

Casco Fire Department is hosting a Regional Rapid Intervention Team Training on April 22, 24, and 25th, 2010. The first date is mostly classroom instruction, the following dates are hands-on training drills.

Prerequisites include:

  • Current SCBA certification

  • Interior firefighter

  • Chief's approval and recommendation

Class size is limited; if interested contact Capt. St.Pierre ASAP for additional details and to secure your spot.

Last Minute Haz Mat Operations Training Opportunity!



There is a 24-hour SERC Approved HAZMAT OPERATIONS training program available to us starting this week in Auburn at the Central Station. It is a 3-day class that will be spanned over the next three weeks. The first class must be taken this week, either on Wednesday, March 10, 0800-1700; Thursday, March 11, 0800-1700; or Friday, March 12, 0800-1700. The next two classes will be available over the next two weeks on multiple days, so there is some flexibility.

This is an exciting program; when you finish, you will be certified to the Operations level.

If interested, you must immediately contact Captain St.Pierre, preferably by phone: 653-0428 for the additional details and to save your spot.